Review Archive

Another First

So it begins.   Another foray into the blogosphere, but this time with a variety of motives. I would like to improve my css-fu as well as my php-fu, so I intend to fully build my own WordPress theme from the ground up. This, of course, takes a back seat to my day job, which is why this whole process is taking so long. That being said, I fully intend to finish this project, but I’m not giving myself a deadline. I see friends of mine with incredible design/code chops and I want to develop my own stuff. Of course, once the design is finished the blog will need content, will it not? That being the case, I’ve decided that the “substance” of this exercise will be collected ramblings covering anything and everything current. A real blog, if you will. Music, movies, food, drink, games, books and everything under the

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