Review Archive

Warbreaker – Brandon Sanderson

I am nearly caught up on Sanderson. The guy just had to go out there and release the monstrously large Words of Radiance, sequel to Way of Kings, which I am rather impatiently waiting to devour. I tell myself that I need to read something else, and so I have! I’ll review that one next. Spoiler alert: it was also very good. But to address the matter to the left here, I’ve recently finished reading Brandon Sanderson’s Warbreaker. It represents a rarity for Mr. Sanderson in that it is a standalone novel, but it holds up to his serialized work (and to his other standalone, Elantris.) He has, yet again, built a world so fantastical-yet-believable that the color-changing hair of the royal line seems perfectly reasonable. I would venture that this is why I like his work so much. He consistently creates such grand visions that, to me, read like the

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