Review Archive

Multitudinous Readings

Habits and hobbies have a way of arriving and departing in waves, do they not? Some months, I won’t be able to finish a single book because I can’t tear myself away from games long enough to read a few pages. Others, like May of 2014, I move from book to book so quickly that I don’t take the time to sit and jot down a few thoughts about them. I aim to rectify that egregious mistake here now. Last month, I read four books, and my thoughts on each can be found below. Redwall – Brian Jacques I had been told by several friends that Redwall would suit me, and they certainly were not wrong. Can one really go wrong in a world of anthropomorphic animals engaged in an epic helms-deep-scale battle, lead by a heroic warrior monk? I must admit, however, that I didn’t love the book as

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