Review Archive

The Slow Regard of Silent Things – Patrick Rothfuss

It’s amazing how time flies, isn’t it? My last post, which was in July, was written from my room in Oakland, California. Now, it’s late November, and I’ve quit my job, moved to Seattle, and completely neglected my book reviews, though I’ve still been reading with a voraciousappetite. (I managed to clear 30 books this year! Pretty proud of that.) Recently, I picked up Patrick Rothfuss’ The Slow Regard of Silent Things, being a novella set in the world of his magnificent Kingkiller Chronicles trilogy, of which I have read the first two, and deprived you, dear readers, of my lofty praises for his outstanding creativity and skill. The third (and final) installment of the Kingkiller Chronicles is forthcoming, and Mr. Rothfuss can take all the time he wants in producing a sequel, as far as I’m concerned. Many genre fiction fans are afroth with impatience, for more than just Mr. Rothfuss’

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