Review Archive

Monkey Business – Landon Crutcher

I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next person, but I rarely find myself seeking out books in the humor category, opting instead for more “serious fare.” I don’t know why. I loved Lamb, had an exceedingly good time with Asteroid Made of Dragons, and have a leather bound and much loved collection of Douglas Adams’s famous Hitchhiker’s Guide series. And those are off the top of my head. Point is, I probably ought to laugh more. So when I spoke to Landon Crutcher about his debut novel— the first to be published by Inkshares’s Quill imprint — I decided it was past time for me to read a book that’d make me laugh. And laugh I did. Monkey Business is just like Landon described it in our chat: a zany, shenanigans-filled Will Ferrell-style comedy on paper. I was of two minds when I initially heard that description, as

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Author Interview: Landon Crutcher

We’ve cooked up something really special for you this time, friend. Landon Crutcher, author of Monkey Business, the first book published under Inkshares’s Quill imprint, chatted with me about his book, the Quill experience, and more in our very first audio interview. Give it a listen below, then check out Monkey Business on Inkshares or Amazon. You’ll have to pardon our several mentions of things you can’t see, dear reader. We tried to make this one a video interview, but technology got in the way. Enjoy!  

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